I get numerous people a day asking for an update on our journey. As of right now it looks like the earliest we could be going to China would be late December. Again, that is the earliest. Things just take time and lots of it.
We met with our pediatrician yesterday to go over all the medical info that goes along with the Waiting Child program. The Waiting Child program consists of children that range from 6 months to 13 years old and the majority of children available through this program have a medically correctable special need. Many children even receive surgeries in China. The waiting child program's application requires you list all medical needs that you would be willing to accept and the list is LONG. Many items we had never even heard of so, the help of our pediatrician was key in completing this application. He was amazing at explaining everything. Now it will be up to us to narrow down the special needs. As soon as we complete the paper work we will be open to recieve referrals. Please keep us in your prayers these next few days as we complete this next phase.