As we continue on in our journey to bring home our little boy from China, we trust the Lord to meet our every need. Many of you have inquired about how you can support us in this process. First and foremost, you can include us in your prayers. We ask for safety for Landry as he waits and for us as we travel to bring him home. Second, you can stand ready to love on him once he arrives. We will certainly need your emotional support. Lastly, some of you may be in a position to offer help financially and we would welcome your support. We purchased a puzzle with Landry's sweet photo on it and when you donate $10, we will write your name on the back of one of the puzzle pieces. When complete, we'll frame it and hang it and Landry will forever have a mosaic of names of the people who were a piece of his puzzle to help bring him home. Please note that you can purchase as many pieces as you would like, whether that be 1, 2, 5, 10 or more. If using PayPal, just add the name/s you would like on your pieces in the memo section. If donating by cash or check, simply include a note with the names you want listed. One name per piece or one family name per piece. We would also like to ask that you help us spread the word through your blog, Facebook or email so that others might have an opportunity to help bring another orphan home.
However you choose to support our family through this process will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for being a piece of the puzzle.
Click below to donate using Paypal:
or you may send cash or checks to:
Jason Patrick c/o Landry Patrick
Merrill Lynch
341 Cool Springs Blvd. Suite 200
Franklin, TN 37067
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these souls of mine, you did for me," Matthew 25:40
Jason, Amy, Avery and Britten Patrick