The Shared List is an online database of all the special needs children from China that are available to be matched with families. This list is updated every month. Only licensed agencies and social workers can access this list. The CCAA ( Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs) has this policy to protect the privacy of waiting children.
Now that we have submitted our list of acceptable special needs our agency will look at this list to match us with a child. When our agency finds a good match for us, they will contact us and let us review this child's file. The agency will then "lock" the file so that no one else can adopt him/her. Once we have "locked" a file we will have 48 hours to review the file, talk to our pediatrician and accept this child. Another 24 hours is reserved for the agency to prepare needed material. If we do not decide to proceed, the file will be "unlocked" and the child will be made available to other families.
The CCAA has also started a new policy where you must have a LID (Log In Date) to submit a Letter of Intent (letter stating that you want to adopt the child) for a child who has been on the shared list for under 30 days. If the child has been on the list over 30 days, they can be matched with a family who does not have a LID. We currently do not have our LID and have been told that our chances of getting matched before we get our LID is very low.
Even though our chances of getting matched right now are slim I would still like to ask for your prayers as the new Shared List will be released on April 26th. I'll also continue to update you monthly as to when new lists will arrive and when we have our LID.
Blessings to you all this Easter Weekend and enjoy your precious families.
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