Landry had his first surgery last Tuesday to repair a urological condition he was born with. This was the first of 2 (possibly 3) surgeries. This first surgery will have to heal for 6 months before they do the second.
Vanderbilt Children's Hospital was a dream. Have never had one have surgery before, but they were so wonderful with our little man. They had bubbles and a fisher price ride along car waiting for his arrival. He was thrilled. They even took him back and gave him a little sleepy gas before they even gave him the first stick. Helped calm my nerves knowing that. They also called every hour and gave us an update as well as had his stats on a rotating monitor for us to check. 3 hours later he was up drinking apple juice and wanting to go home.
To our amazement this kid has done remarkably well. He really hasn't even missed a beat. He's been running around and playing like nothing ever even happened. We did finally get to take his gauze off and give him a bath yesterday. I think that was the first time he really cried. The gauze was not easy to remove, but it reeked of nastiness and he desperately needed a bath. Whatever they use in surgery along with 4 days of no bath resulted in one stinky little man. Narly is the word our surgeon used and narly it was. Yack.
He's had a bath and seems more tender today but still not all up in bed and in pain like I had thought he would be. He goes Wednesday to have his catheter removed which I know will make him feel even better. All the prayers worked and we are so thankful and amazed at what God can do. Now I ask that you all start praying for surgery #2 to go just as well.
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